The CHASE Project
The CHASE Project
IMPORTANT NOTICE: at the time of writing (January, 2025) the CHASE project website is currently unavailable, having been suspended from the live materials hosted by the University of Huddersfield. Please email David Milsom for information concerning how to access materials. The site contents are safe and protected, and will be available in some form in the near future. (This notice will be updated when this situation has changed).
The CHASE project was an AHRC-funded research project at the University of Leeds (in partnership with the University of Cardiff) funded between 2008, and 2012. It has continued to be an active resource since then. In 2018, after the retirement of its director, Professor Clive Brown, the site moved to the University of Huddersfield and is now under the directorship of Dr David Milsom. The site sits within the activities and infrastructure of the Nineteenth-century performance research group within the newly formulated Research Centre for Performance Practices (ReCePP)